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[HackTheBoo 2022] Writeup
1. https://app.hackthebox.com/tracks/HackTheBoo-CTF-2022-Track Hack The Box app.hackthebox.com HTB는 디자인이 잘 되어 있고 문제도 촘촘하게 잘 짜여있어 풀 때 재밌다! 웹은 총 네 문제로 구성되어 있었으며, 풀 수 없을 정도로 어렵지는 않았다. 포렌식도 하나 풀었다. 대회는 끝났지만, 문제는 아직 풀 수 있으니 풀어보면 좋을 듯 하다. 2. THE CHALLS Spookifier - Web Horror Feeds - Web Juggling Facts - Web Cursed Secret Party - Web Wrong Spooky Season - Forensics Spookifier - Web 들어가면 이런 화면이 나온다 web..
[DownUnderCTF 2022] Writeup
https://ctftime.org/event/1625 1. Archiving this for the sole purpose to prove I did stuff - The three CTFs I participated in prior to DUCTF were all korean so I didn't bother writing a writeup. It was my first time playing a CTF in a team, having teammates encouraged me enough to grind more in a CTF where I felt like some challs were way out of my league. DUCTF was a huge event, so kudos to pjs..